Tuesday, 9 March 2010

9/3: London Landmark Pins Released

As hoped, LOCOG announced the London Landmark pins today. They are a lovely set and make great use of the angular nature of the logo and brand and use tones of the 4 main LOCOG colours. The landmarks themselves are picked out in silver and have a slight relief to them - they are not completely flat.

Pins are limited to 3000 of each (still to be confirmed).

Click here for the official website page

As an example (and because I live in LB Sutton), here's my 'home' pin

Image reproduced from www.london2012.com

Notice that the names of the boroughs are not written in the 'brand font'. Most of the previous pins that have had writing on used that font - look at the London at Night set. It's not always the case, the 1000DTG pins used a mixture of fonts, but it's interesting that these pins use a 'regular' typeface for the names.

The press release sites all the usual retailers, so hopefully they'll be available in the next week or so.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

4/3: London Landmark (Borough) Pins

Looks like the London Borough pins are very close now. Digging around on the internet I came across the London Councils website (www.londoncouncils.gov.uk). There's a section on meetings and specifically about a Leaders Committee meeting next Tuesday (9th March). There's an agenda item about London 2012 and in a document related to that meeting there's information relating to the unveiling of the pins.

For copyright reasons, I cannot reproduce the text, however the document may be viewed under the following link. Click the link (page open in a new window) and then click on the document.

So it looks like the Borough pins will be with us soon. Maybe we'll get to see what they look like before long.

It was a similar document on the same website that, last year, gave the first information about the London Landmarks vote.