Tuesday, 23 October 2012

23/10: Next Pin Meet - November 24th - UPDATED TIME

STOP PRESS: The time of the meet has been brought forward to 12.30pm due to a function in the pub conservatory later that day. However, if we want to continue after 4pm, we can move into the bar (space permitting).

It's only 5 minutes since we had the last pin meet, and already the next one is in the calendar!!

I asked for feedback at the last pin meet (both on the day and via the blog), as to when we should aim to get together again. A few people thought early next year would be good and would give everyone a chance to find new traders. However, the overwhelming majority thought we should ride the wave of enthusiasm and have a mete this side of Christmas.

So, I've approached the Railway Tavern again, and they have kindly offered us the venue on Saturday 24th November 2012 starting at 2.30pm. Thank you Jan and the team.

I'm not going to bother maintaining a sign-up list any more, as the chances of us getting freebies is zero, but if you want to drop me an email to info@londonpins.co.uk to confirm you'll be there, it will help me gauge numbers and enthusiasm - it' up to you.

So in summary...
  • Date: Saturday 24th November 2012
  • Time: 12.30pm - 4.00pm
  • Venue: The Railway Tavern, 131 Angel Lane, Stratford, E15 1DB
  • Cost: Free (but please support the pub by having a drink or two)

I hope that lots of you will be able to make it and that the new faces that came last time will want to come back for some more.


Pippin said...

Count me in!