Saturday, 2 February 2013

2/2: Partner Pin Update on Website

I have made another large update to the website this morning. This time, lots of the sponsor pins have been updated.

There are updates for the following sponsors...
Apart from Coca-Cola, all of the sponsor pages list all the pins I know about and all the images I have. If you have pins which you cannot find on ANY sponsor page, or have images of pins that I do not have, I'd be grateful if you could let me know please. The Dow country opening ceremony pins will be updated shortly - I have almost all the images, but haven't uploaded them yet.

Thank you to everyone who has offered information or images. I know it's taken a while for me to get the pages up to date, but hopefully when you take a look at them, you'll think it's been worth the wait!

For those that use it, the Pin Inventory list on the downloads page has also been updated.

Apart form any omissions or corrections on these pages, I'll be moving onto the media pages next.

I also plan to have the pin trading list up to date soon too.


Acer said...

Your updates were certainly worth the wait, Paul! Thanks again for all your hard work.

dax said...

great update.i love seeing all the new pins.theres so many i would love in my collection.
thanks again for all your hard work paul

Pippin said...

Brilliant as ever, Paul!

So much effort, and meticulous in the detail. We must all owe you a beer or two!

D.J said...

Fantastic update as always, keep up the good work.