I have been asked by Aggreko, via a third party, to remove their pin from the catalogue listing.
Apparently, they are unhappy that collectors know about their pin and have contacted them to request pins. They do not have pins for collectors and will not be distributing them to the public.
I've tried explaining to them, that my site exists only to provide a comprehensive catalogue of all London 2012 pins. The website has never encouraged collectors to contact sponsors, not has it ever published information as to how to contact organisations.
Despite my arguments, Aggreko does not wish to engage with us and has actively sought to suppress information.
I should point out that at no time have Aggreko contacted me directly to discuss this or listen to my opinion.
Other sponsors have also been in the same position as Aggreko in that they are unable to issue pins to collectors, but these organisations have allowed their pins to be shown and managed the situation with a message on their website or emails to individual collectors. Unfortunately, Aggreko decided not to take this stance. There's is more of a "shoot the messenger" approach.
Apologies to collectors that, at the moment, I am unable to keep the catalogue as complete as possible, but I will endeavour to bring you as many pins as I can.
Should the pin appear on eBay, then I will republish the listing as at that time, I can consider the pin to be in the public domain.