Sunday, 22 April 2012

22/4: More Panasonic Mascot Sports Pins

Towards the end of 2011 a pin showing Wenlock playing basketball was released by Panasonic. It doesn't appear to be widely available, but now it is joined by two more mascot sports pins.

These pins show Wenlock playing football and sailing. They use the standard mascot sports pose, but introduce a coloured background and, of course, the sponsor name.


Anthony said...

Panasonic always produce some of the best looking pins and it looks like they are doing so again. Love the look of these pins and the mascot guard pin

molon said...

They are also some of the hardest ones to get. Wish I had a contact !

dax said...

they look great but i doubt i will ever get them,im finding it very hard getting any pins at the moment

wookie said...

Just received my set, and they are really nice pins. Sometimes the pictures look better than the pins, but in this case that's not true.
Well done Panasonic

minicooper67 said...

Wookie i totally agree ive just recieved my set too the basketball one is great with the moving piece an added bonus

Anonymous said...

Just got mine also and think they are
fabulous looking.

dax said...

has any of you have a contact at panasonic as i would love some of these pins,but i cant find the right person to ask.i always get a reply of no pins available or only given out at events

Anthony said...

dax, this new batch of panasonic pins have been produced by panasonic worldwide (as opposed the staff design competition pin which was produced by panasonic UK). i think they have all come from the same person who has a good contact at panasonic australia, but none of us know who that is unfortunately

molon said...

Perhaps someone could send a PM through Paul's site to me with the contact details of the 'person who has a good contact at Panasonic Australia'. I really would love to get a couple of these pins but have had no luck so far.